Special IYCr Symposium

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Event Name Special IYCr Symposium
Start Date 17th Mar 2014 2:30pm
End Date 17th Mar 2014 9:00pm
Duration 6 hours and 30 minutes
Description To celebrate the International Year of Crystallography, the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) invites to a Special IYCr Symposium. During this symposium, which will take place in connection to the 22nd Annual Meeting of the DGK, crystallographers working in different fields, like research, pharmacy, building industry or even in a detective laboratory, will give the audience impressions of their work. Prof. Sine Larsen, past president of the IUCr, will present a talk on "Past, present and future of crystallography". A panel discussion with all speakers will round this first part of the symposium. In the second part we invite all participants to toast with us on the IYCr.

Location Freie Universitaet Berlin, Henry-Ford-Building
Contact Susan Schorr
Category symposia